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A note for Roku users:

Due to changes recently implemented by Roku, our channel is no longer compatible with Roku devices. We apologize for this development but our content delivery network (CDN), Streamspot, is actively working to resolve the issue. In the interim, Roku users may watch Central’s livestream via our website, Facebook page, YouTube channel, or JBS.

Yizkor Name Submission Form

The Yom Kippur Yizkor (Memorial) service is an important moment of remembrance. We wish to offer our livestream/virtual community the chance to share the name of an immediate family member who passed away between the last Yom Kippur and this Yom Kippur to be memorialized in a beautifully designed digital booklet. Please fill out this form to submit a name.

Other Ways to Join Our Services


For most of the year, the Jewish Broadcasting Service (JBS) airs our Friday evening Shabbat service live at 6:00 pm with an encore at 11:00 pm. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, JBS airs our Friday night service at 7:30 pm with an encore at 11:00 pm.

Find your local JBS channel

On Facebook

Our livestream feed is available at Central Synagogue’s Facebook page via Facebook Live. Join this interactive viewing experience to like, comment, and share.

On YouTube

Live services and other Central programs are available on our YouTube channel.

By Phone

1 (929) 205-6099
ID: 942 2375 3751 #, followed by another # (no additional Participant ID needed)

This call-in program is made possible by the Youngwood Family and friends in memory of Judith G. Youngwood.

In Case You Missed It

View previous worship services, sermons, and more.

Please note: Private family life cycle events (e.g., weddings, brises, baby namings, and funerals) are not made available to watch on-demand.

Something Wrong?

Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) during services for technical support or click here for more troubleshooting tips.

Prayer Books

Mishkan T’filah for Shabbat
Mishkan T’filah for Weekdays, Shabbat, and Festivals

Please note, it is also possible to order a one-volume edition of Mishkan T’filah that includes both Shabbat and Festival services. However, the page numbers in this edition may vary from the page numbers that Clergy will call out during services. Below is the link to order the one-volume edition:

Print Mishkan T’filah : A Reform Siddur, Weekdays, Shabbat, and Festivals Transliterated